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AdlandPro Worlds Classifieds
Get Linked from 63,000+ sites with one click.

1. Free traffic to your site.
2. Commissions up to 30% .
3. Incredible free tools to build your own membership
   and establish a presence on the internet.
       o free email address
       o free website
       o free traffic exchange
       o free five day website success course
       o and more

4. Discussion list where you can ask questions related    to internet business and get your site reviewed in  front of 25,000 subscribers.

5. Weekly newsletters with articles about promotion and building business on the internet.

The difference in our approach to help you establish your business on the internet, is in not to tell you how quickly you
will make thousands of dollars (because we  don't believe in that)
but to show you ways, and give you tools to assist you:

 o bring audience to your site,
 o establish lasting relationship with your audience
 o make your visitors return to your site over and over again.
 o make good income from promoting our site

Remember business on the internet is like any other business
and the more confidence you build, the more likely you will
be able to communicate your message to your customers.

You are not trying to sell, but helping your visitors.
Offering solution to your visitors problems doesn't even feel
like selling. It is problem solving and this is why you not only
will feel that you are growing your business but that your business
has a purpose.

Adlandpro affiliate program has a two level nature, meaning that
people who join from your reference will contribute to your

Whenever you send visitor to our site directly, we will give you
3-5 credits which will be used towards display of your ads
on our network. You will also be paid traffic commissions.
$5 for each 1000 credits earned and $2 from your referrals
for each 1000 credits earned.
You will be  also earning 50 credits for each new affiliate
from your reference.

On top of this if we sell any of our products to anyone
you referred, you will be earning commissions from 20%
to 30%.

Get Linked from over 63,000 sites with one click.


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